ABN Air Air Shipment Services

we can help transport heavy and outsize cargo quickly and efficiently.

Heavy & Out-sized Cargo: Using our specialist knowledge of cargo aircraft volumes and loading capabilities, we can help transport heavy and outsize cargo quickly and efficiently.

Work with experts who have earned their wings

Urgent ‘Go Now’ Shipments: Accessing up-to-the-minute information on the location of thousands of aircraft worldwide, we can often have time-critical cargo in the air within an hour of confirmation.

Dangerous Goods: With a comprehensive understanding of dangerous goods classes, shipping guidelines and routing restrictions, our highly-trained team will source the ideal aircraft licensed to carry your sensitive freight.

Feel like a frequent flier

Remote Destinations: We have extensive experience in arranging charters to isolated or hostile locations, using our unrivalled network of contacts to secure the necessary permits and documentation.

We speed your cargo to market with ease regardless of type or size

Our strong network of strategic hubs in the region enables us to offer multi-mode options to and from various parts of the world offering dedicated container freight stations at each hub to expedite container handling for fast onward connections.